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NV Crash With Certain Mods

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So I've installed both NVSE and 4GBNV and it runs perfectly well but once I start installing mods, it eventually crashes on start-up giving me an error like, "Missing Master! Check mod load order." but checking the load order, nothing seems out of place. Usually this happens with the Willow mod (which worked perfectly fine before) and the New Vegas Character Overhaul mod. Sometimes, it also happens just randomly, even if I haven't installed either of those mods at all. I've got a sorta long list of mods that I use so I can screencap those if you need them and I've uninstalled all my mods but if you need me to reinstall them to show the load order, I can do so aswell.


Update: Now it's just crashing on startup with no pattern to which mod is causing it. i could install a single mod then the second would be the mod that screws it up but then later I'd be able to install a ton of mods and then I hit that one landmine mod that screws it all up causing me to have to uninstall every mod and start all over. And it's never the same mod every time.

Edited by vanitusgamer
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Not just a load order, post your BOSS or LOOT log. They have far more info than just a list.

If you don't use BOSS or LOOT - then you really need to.

BOSS is an older version, LOOT is a rewritten version by the same team and is newer.


Get LOOT here: http://loot.github.io/

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