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Food and Drink animations


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Ever since I saw a video on youtube, I've been wondering. It was a mod for smoking and drinking. But what I liked was the animations. I've found a cigarette mod, but not drinking or eating. And what I mean is this.


Say you go to megaton. You go to the Brass Lantern, buy some food, and eat it. You don't actually see yourself eating it. But if you look next to you, there are a couple of settlers chomping on skewers of meat. Do you get what I'm saying? All I'm asking is for someone to make a mod so that when you drink, you raise a bottle to your lips, or when you eat, you take out some food. Obviously you could only do this for the skewer, since it's the only one with the animation. But people have done it with cigarettes, so if someone could do it with food and drink, it would be greatly appriciated. Oh, and, to make it worth it, what about you have an option to eat slowly: what I'm talking about. This would take a second, but it could heal more, since you are taking more time to chew it.


I would love this, and I'm sure others would as well.

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