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build a fort


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Build a fort allows the player to create his own custom fort

it is kind of hard to explain so i will do it in parts


I.CREATING THE FORT WHEREVER YOU WANT- You buy a banner from a merchant, there will be multiple different banners for all factions, depending on the banner you buy the fort will have the theme of the banner. For example, if i bought a imperial banner the fort would have imperial decorations and such other things i will mention later. Once you have the banner you can place it within a given space so your fort isn't floating off a cliff if you decide to put it at the throat of the world.


II. ADDONS- Once you have built the main structure of your fort you can go back to the merchant and buy extra rooms and decorations. some extra rooms could include the following and more: Armory, Barracks, Mess Hall, Officers Quarters, Prison, and Watchtowers. After you buy the room you can pay more to decorate it.


III.GUARDS- You will be able to buy guards for every corner of your fort, once again the guards will all be dressed as your faction. You will be able to buy guards during construction, for example, i have just finished my main fort and have bought the armory, i already bought guards for the main section and now i can buy a blacksmith and guards for the armory, However I will not be able to buy guards for the watchtowers because i do not have them built yet.

IV.SIEGE- Depending on what faction you choose the opposing side will try and capture or destroy your fort (and yes you can lose it), if you lose your fort you can return to the merchant to buy for guards and retake your fort. You may NOT do this if your fort is destroyed, there is a 25% chance your fort will become rubble and a 75% chance it will be taken over if you lose. If your fort is destroyed you will lose just about every thing, but do not just abandon it if it is destroyed because you can salvage some (very little) armor and weapons from it, you may also salvage stone and other building materials from it and sell it to the merchant for gold.


V.FACTIONS- The factions that i could think of that is legitimate is: Bandits, Thalmor, Blades, Silver hand, Pirates, Alikir, Imperials, Stormcloaks, Whiterun, Morthal, Solitude, Markarth, Falkreath, Dawnstar, Winterhold, Windhelm, and Riften. For the different city's if you are still in the civil war and also depending on where you are in the civil war the sieges could be between two cities. For example, if i did not start the civil war questline the factions would be default meaning if i placed a Whiterun fort in Riften territory it would be able to be siege not only by bandits but also the riften guard, however if i was at the point in the story where riften is on the imperials side it would only be sieged buy bandits.


VI. QUESTIONS- If i have forgotten anything (which I probably have) please ask in the comments.


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You don't know how often I have thought about making that, but it is not that easy. And there is more to it then just hire guards and have siege. A balanced economy system where you have to keep your people alive by having enough food and other supplies. Maybe tell your followers to manage guards, or hunt or mine, etc.

But thats going to much into details...


Fact is, what you want here, is a lot more work then you think.

To begin with, let me tell you that a fort you can place wherever you want, won't work. Pocket Empire allows you todo that and for me, it works only in a very bad way.
Better would be to choose a place and let the players build it up.


I would write more, but I don't have much time right now.

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