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Non-Changing PipBoy Models


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Something that irks me a bit, is that when I use a controller, the PipBoy uses one model, but if I unplug the controller, then change location (go through a loading door) the PipBoy's model changes. I'd really like to use the non-controller PipBoy, even while using a controller, as the controller PibBoy has those awful <LT] [RT> symbols on it, which break immersion quite a bit.


I don't want to replace the original files, because my friend likes to play without mods, and uses the same PC as me, at times, and replacing the textures/models original files will aggravate them.


I know little about modding, so I'm not even sure this is possible, but if it is, I'd appreciate it.


If this request was already made, I'm sorry, I tried searching PipBoy with the search feature, and got way too many results, and I only saw one actually related to PipBoys, about icons, I think.

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