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Unlimited Ammo Problem


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Okay, so i'm trying to modify the Nocturne Rifle that's somewhere on Nexus (Just search "Nocturne" and it should come up.) to have unlimited ammo because the reload animation is ATROCIOUS. (It clips through the character, and uses the assault rifle reload animation. I would change the reload animation, but there's no semi-proper one to use for a clip that's on the TOP of the gun.) So I go into the GECK, select "None" as the ammo type for it, save it, and reload my save. I hold down the Fire button to test it, and an ENDLESS STREAM OF BULLETS comes FLYING out of the gun, non-stop with NO delay, despite having a 1-2 second delay between shots in the GECK file display. How can I fix this?
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Have you got the attack anim set to Attack Loop. If so, try changing it to Attack Left or Attack Right.





That worked somewhat, but now I have a new problem. It's too slow between shots. Now it only fires one per second. I'm just going to leave it the way it was. Thanks for the help.

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