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Need little help with file transfers


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My Vaio's motherboard blew up, but I managed to get the hd out intact. I have a new computer now, but I would like to continue playing my modded character where I left off. Which files do I have to transfer to new hd (besides the obvious: desktop links and -> Bethesda Softworks/Oblivion...) in order for things to work?

I was using OBMM, Wrye Bash, BOSS, OBSE etc., in case that info would make any difference. Also, I don't know whether a different graphics card now messes things up..?

My former OS was Vista 32-bit, so I'm dual-booting a new installing of Vista just for this- the nostalgic fool that I am.. Anyway. Help would be grately appreciated.


ps. found also files DLCList.txt and plugins.txt at user/AppData/Local/Oblivion. Those probably should be moved too?

Edited by lassiman
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