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Oblivion doesn´t start


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Well, I cleaned every mistake in the registry (about 500 !!! :blink:) and reinstalled the game without using some savegames (because I had none which were important).

But its still not working. Its the 3rd time I installed it, but still the launcher does not react (If I click on it, windows says that the launcher is not reacting) and if I try to launch the game with Oblivion.exe theres just a process called Oblivion.exe at the process bar from Taskmanager.

Before Oblivion finally "died", the obmm gave me this .txt-file:

"An unhandled exception occurred, and probably resulted from a bug in oblivion mod manager.

Please post/PM me the contents of this error on the TES official forums, and I'll fix it asap.

The information below should also be saved to 'obmm_crashdump.txt' in oblivion's base directory for easy copy/pasting.


Error message: Der Typeninitialisierer für "OblivionModManager.OblivionBSA" hat eine Ausnahme verursacht.

Stack trace: bei OblivionModManager.OblivionBSA.ReadArchives()

bei OblivionModManager.Program.Init()

bei OblivionModManager.Program.Main(String[] args)

A bit of this is german but it just says that the type-initializator has caused an exception. Does somebody understand this? I dont :sweat:



Wow after a pretty long time Oblivion started !!! But it closed itself as I tabbed out to write this :confused:

Now why does this damn game need such a long time to start ....? It was nearly an hour !

Edited by DarkLink268
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Its partly in German. Giigle translat says:


Error message: The Typeninitialisierer for "OblivionModManager.OblivionBSA" generated an exception.

Stack trace: at OblivionModManager.OblivionBSA.ReadArchives ()

at OblivionModManager.Program.Init ()

at OblivionModManager.Program.Main (String [] args)

A bit of this is German but it just says that the type-initializator has caused an exception.


Have you installed the German Version of something? I'm not sure what the type initializer is But it seems to have something to do with a conflict with the OBMM Oblivionbsa part. The other 2 lines give you the location of the problem.


Have you completely removed OBMM?


In my opinion, the windows registry has outlived it usefulness.


Here is the MS definition:

The Registry contains information that Windows continually references during operation, such as profiles for each user, the applications installed on the computer and the types of documents that each can create, property sheet settings for folders and application icons, what hardware exists on the system, and the ports that are being used.


The Registry replaces most of the text-based .ini files that are used in Windows 3.x and MS-DOS configuration files, such as the Autoexec.bat and Config.sys. Although the Registry is common to several Windows operating systems, there are some differences among them.


Notice that Oblivion did not use the registry for that at all. But to hide certain files needed to run the game. They must be there, and if they are not (or the game cannot find them) it will not run.

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Is it possible that the game is searching for some mods (via oblivion launcher/ gamedata), which are not there/activated?

I uninstalled obmm and moved the mods to another folder. Maybe thats the reason for the game´s speed...?

PS: Yes, I installed something german because I own this game in german language (it was some kinda special offer :P) . So maybe theres an mixup of mod-languages...?

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