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Make followers compatible with UFO?


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I want to make a small follower pack, maybe 3 - 4 followers and maybe a pet, and ideally I'd like them all to be compatible with the Ultimate Follower Overhaul. In the follower creation menus is there something specific I have to do in order for them to all be recruitable at the same time? Or do I use UFO as a Master? Or do I just make it and wish for the best?

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1 - Create your npcs

2 - Add them to Current Follower Faction and Player Follower Faction

2.5 - When you have their Factions set, slowly click twice (not double-click, but click-2-3-click) on the 0 next to Current Follower Faction and change the 0 to -1


Should work fine with UFO after that. Mine did.


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