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TheKussh - BANNED

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TheKussh banned.




Reason for the ban

Piracy of Skyrim,


prove you had a legit copy before the ban and you can return



well the problem is that I'm totally against steam and the only way to download from the workshop is to have a game purchased (that I won't do) in it even though my game is linked and working with it



Kussh do you haev skyrim?



I do Weird Al



then I sugest you guy it



instead of pirating it


Wut? I bought it


you were saying your skyrim is not on steam?

you see here is the major flaw, the game uses steam EVEN retail disk


nope I don't but stuff from steam, I got a retail copy


so kussh can you proove you have a legit copy that requires steam?


<after some time and the user still talking>



should I take taht as a no?


a min or two more of talking and still no responce.


We have a strict anti-piracy policy on these forums and the Nexus sites and we take a proactive and pre-emptive stance on anyone we believe is using a pirated version of any game or software.

If you give us reason to believe that you are a software pirate you will be instantly banned.






Moderation history

This member received 0 informal warnings and 0 formal warnings before they were banned



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