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Oblivion CTD


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Hi, im having a little problem with oblivion. IT wont let me play the game i any other resolution than my monitors native resolution (1920x1080), if i try to start the game with any other resolution it CTD before the bethesda logo comes up.


Any ideas? :/

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You might try deleting the Oblivion.ini and letting it create a new one - it will make a new ini if there is not one there when you start the game. It will not save it until you exit the game. This fixes quite a few strange problems.


Find the Oblivion.ini file here.


XP C:\Documents and Settings\Your user name\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion


Vista & Win7 C:\Users\Your user name\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion

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You might try deleting the Oblivion.ini and letting it create a new one - it will make a new ini if there is not one there when you start the game. It will not save it until you exit the game. This fixes quite a few strange problems.


Find the Oblivion.ini file here.


XP C:\Documents and Settings\Your user name\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion


Vista & Win7 C:\Users\Your user name\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion


Thanks for your reply, but that didn't work. :/ I have tried reinstalling the game also. But no luck! :(

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It sounds like you are just trying to run the game beyond the range of your graphics card or monitor matey. Are you sure thats the only resolution it will run on, or just the highest.


Before you start to try and troubleshoot any graphics issue, always make sure your drivers for your gpu are bang up to date, and that you've checked the card makers website, as they can probably tell you a lot more than any of us.


Good Luck.


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It sounds like you are just trying to run the game beyond the range of your graphics card or monitor matey. Are you sure thats the only resolution it will run on, or just the highest.


Before you start to try and troubleshoot any graphics issue, always make sure your drivers for your gpu are bang up to date, and that you've checked the card makers website, as they can probably tell you a lot more than any of us.


Good Luck.



Thanks for your reply. :)


I assume that you think im trying to play on a higher resolution than 1920x1080.

But thats not the case, im trying to play on a lower resolution, 1280x720.

I've tried to set the res to 1280x720, 1600x900, 1360x768, and non of them work except 1920x1080.


I've also come to think of that i believe the issue accured right after i created a custom resolution in the Nvidia Control Panel, could this have anything to do with it?


EDIT: Ok, now i have gone into Fail Safe mode and uninstalled the drivers and erased all traces with Driver Sweeper, and reinstalled the drivers. But still no luck. :(

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Argh! I should have thought of that. Especially seeing as I'm the one thats always telling people not to change their graphics settings in-game, but to use the control panel for whatever their card is to do it... now I feel really dumb.


See, your in-game settings are not "true" settings - that is to say, its not your graphics card that enforces them - its your game telling your card 'Look, I'm using these bloody settings, and if you don't like it, tough!' . Unfortunately, most of the time, your card won't like it, and because your game has got arsey with your card, your card gets arsey back, saying 'well, if thats the way your gonna behave... I'ma not letting you have any of my awesomeness!' and pulls the plug.


Ok, so thats not the way it actually goes down. Thats just more entertaining than filling this forum with 10 pages of technical gobbledigook that wouldn't mean anything to anyone. Basically, change the settings in your control panel to whatever you want to run the game with. Including any lighting, texture size & detail settings, AA & AS settings that you want to use for the game, and that should get you going. I hope. =]


Good Luck.


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Thanks for all of your replies. :)


I've figured out the problem, and i was wondering if anyone can help me fix it.

I am using Dual monitors, one 24" and a 19". And i noticed just now that if i disable the 19" i can play on lower resolutions without a problem. So i have a temporary workaround, but is there anyone that knows how i can play with both monitors enabled?

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If your computer is telling your graphics card that the 24" monitor is your primary monitor, and the one to run the game on, I don't think Oblivion should have a problem with that 19" one. I've just started running mine on a 32" HDMI TV (lol, I know. Slight overkill :D) I actually only got this to watch DVDs on when I'm in bed. My room's small and I don't have room for my Computer and a TV, so I combined the two. I only go slightly crosseyed when sat in front of it playing games :D but I defo think the tradeoff is worth it.

Anyways, back to my point. I do have a monitor still kicking around somewhere that I can hook up to it to play around with and see if I can recreate your problem.


What card & drivers are you running? Just so we know if the comparison is actually going to be worth doing, if no one comes up with anything in the meantime.



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If your computer is telling your graphics card that the 24" monitor is your primary monitor, and the one to run the game on, I don't think Oblivion should have a problem with that 19" one. I've just started running mine on a 32" HDMI TV (lol, I know. Slight overkill :D) I actually only got this to watch DVDs on when I'm in bed. My room's small and I don't have room for my Computer and a TV, so I combined the two. I only go slightly crosseyed when sat in front of it playing games :D but I defo think the tradeoff is worth it.

Anyways, back to my point. I do have a monitor still kicking around somewhere that I can hook up to it to play around with and see if I can recreate your problem.


What card & drivers are you running? Just so we know if the comparison is actually going to be worth doing, if no one comes up with anything in the meantime.




The computer has the 24" set to primary so that should be setup correctly, using Ultramon (it might make a difference :smile:)

I am very grateful if you would want to go through all the trouble hooking up a secondary monitor. :biggrin:

My specs are:

Nvidia Geforce GTX 275 with the latest 197.45 drivers :wink:

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Ya know, until I read that I thought Ultramon was for supporting 2 monitors on seperate Graphics cards, pre Nvidia SLI/ATI Xfiretechnology. Shows how much attention I pay to stuff beyond my own little world, doesn't it? :D


I'll have a look tonight if I've time before I go out mate, though I'm running a pair of MSI 9600GT's. I have no idea why because I've not noticed a massive performance boost. heh heh. Disabling one is a peice of cake, but the control panel tells me its working when I connect the other so I guess it must be. I don't know if connecting the second monitor through VGA when the TV is connected through DVI will make a difference either. Ah well. Should be fun finding out anyways...


I'll be in touch.


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