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Reanimate NPC's without entrallling them


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So, I came up with this idea when my favorite blacksmith died

How about a way to reanimate NPC's while still allowing him to live freely(not just via the conjuration scchool's zombies but allowing them free will)

I was thinking something with soul gems, like you hae to soul trap(A permanent version will be needed) the person you want to reanimate. And then, when he/she dies you get a message and the shader you get when you succesfully trap a soul. Then you get a soul gem with their name (as in "filled with adrienne avenichi" instead of "filled with common soul" for example). And then you have to find their corpse (or possibly any body strong enough) and cast an expensive and long spell on the previously mentioned soul gem, after having dropped this soul gem near the body.


So what is needed would be:

- A permanent version of soul trap

- Some way to make soul gems remember the name of the soul trapped within(allthough i thought i saw this on the nexus allready)

- The reanimation spell

- Some way to recieve the spells( I was thinking falion in morthal i think, he researches undead and stuff and also nelacar in winterhold because he researches soul gems

that should be it

- Someone to review it because that will get it many downloads


I am in no way experienced with skyrim modding or scripting(made one mod but that was just a recycled, overpowered spell) but willing and quick to learn


kind regards me

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