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OBSE scripting help


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Hi, I've been trying to make a scripted quest all night and no matter what I do I can't get the script to save in the construction set. I'm trying to use the SetRaceAlias script to make a custom race identified as one of the default but no matter what I do it doesn't save.


Any and all help would be appreciated.

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If a script doesn't save, it's because there is an error in it somewhere. There should be a pop-up window that tells you which line is in error. Lines are counted downward from your script name including blank lines, eg:


scn MyScript is Line 1

This is Line 2


This is Line 4

This is Line 5



This is Line 8

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Well, every time I try to save it I get an error message saying "SetRaceAlias script not found" I have OBSE but it doesn't seem to work for me when I open the construction set. Edited by CiderMuffin
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How did you run the cs? To run the cs loading the obse, you need to use the obse loader with the option -editor.

It doesn't work if you run directly the executable of the cs.

Anyway download the CSE (Construction Set Extender) at http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/36370/?. This is an extension to power the cs and you can find a batch file (a bat file) to run the cse with the obse.

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Thank you very much! I actually did download the CSE last night but I guess in my tired brain I didn't notice the "Launch CSE" icon xD I just tested it out and it works perfectly. Again, thank you so much.
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