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Saved Plugins Not Showing Up In Windows Explorer


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Having a rather strange problem. First off i will admit i do not do much modding and there for do not have much knowledge in it but i do know how to work the basics and some advanced features of the CS. So this may be just some noob problem. Anyways, I finished my mod and was going to send it to a friend so he could see what he thought about it but when i went to the folder by going to My Computer and navigating to it, the plug in is not in the data folder. So i thought maybe i saved it in a different location so i went to resave it and made sure it went to the data folder. Now when i load plug ins in the CS it shows the 2 plug ins but when i go to the folder it self thru my computer it is no where to be found. I even made a folder while saving a plug in and the folder wasnt there either. I haven been testing the mod on my computer this whole time so it works fine for my computer but cannot find the plug in to send to any one else. Ive attached screens shots of the plug in appearing in the CS load screen and the data folder its self by going through my computer>Program Files>etc., etc. If any one could explain why this is happening it would be much appreciated. On a side note i made some mods about a year ago and have never ran into this problem before so i am not sure what is happening now.





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Let me guess...you didn't had vista/7 back then? Your mods probably move to the virtual store. If you search for the files it'll probably lead to there. Reinstalling to a non-default location (outside the program files), usually solves the problem.
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I tried to save the Plug in to the My Documents folder and a file error popped up saying "Invalid Directory". I tried several times in several locations and it kept happening but i then went into the data folder of Oblivion and there the plug ins were. So thank you for your advice not sure if this is what you meant and was suppose to happen but if so or not thanks man!
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I'm thinking Pronam's right and your plug-in is in your virtual store. As far as I know, you can't tell the CS to save plug-ins outside the data folder. It doesn't like working anywhere beyond the reach of the Oblivion folder. Only windows lurvely UAC can, and frequently will when you or any program try to save things to your data folder, do that. (might be wrong about that. Never tried. Oh how I love windows xp. muh ha ha ha. Ahem.)

To save yourself some issues in the future it may be worth considering reinstalling the game and the CS to somewhere NOT protected by the UAC. Like C:Games or C:Oblivion.


Happy Modding.


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To save yourself some issues in the future it may be worth considering reinstalling the game and the CS to somewhere NOT protected by the UAC. Like C:Games or C:Oblivion.


Hmmm....I might have to try that later. Thank you for the advice.

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