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okay so after researching Fallout New Vegas, I am DISGUSTED to see that they are simply re-using the Oblivon engine AGAIN.


As if Fallout 3 wasnt the most buggiest POS game ever on PC, they are going to try and one up that by making a "modern" game on an aged, buggy, engine.

Why would Bethesda do this???

I understand all they care about is money (they obviously dont care about the companys reputation anymore), but is it too much to ask that they use a new engine?

or at last fix it? FO3 is by far the buggiest PC game of all time (next to KOTOR2), and they obviously rushed it to production. (i mean without Broken Steel, the game story just plain sucks).


So Bethesda hired some of the Fallout 1 + 2 writers and designers for this one. - which means you will have a great story but be unable to finish it due to your CTDs or BSODs or PC just blowing the f*ck up.


I LOVE FO3, but it is unplayable on my high end PC (which is *manure*, every other game performs excellent).

...just pissed that i have to buy this on XBOX, becuase theres no f*cking way Im giving Bethesda $$$$ for another big fat Turd in a box.



PS - F*CK BETHESDA for all the Nvidia .dll errors and blue screens.....they apparently dont know how to code for Nvidia cards as Ive tried EVERY driver from Nvidia from the past 3 years and nothing works.

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I have to say I also have a high end pc, but have not had any crashes other than the ones caused by the numerous mods I have installed.


Not to say that you don't have problems, but so many people blame one game instead of the 40 programs that are running in the background. I don't know how many calls I get a day of people griping that a program doesn''t work.....but it is working on the other 22 thousand machines just fine.


I would like to see an updated engine. Having played Oblivion, Fallout feels like a slighty better frame rate version of it.


I have a quad core, but for stability purposes I changed the .ini file to run in two core mode. It increased my frame rate a ton.

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Woah, calm down... FO3 was perfectly stable for me, and Bethesda isn't even developing New Vegas. They're not coding it. Obsidian is. They didn't "hire some writers," they completely outsourced development to a different company. Not that any of that matters, because Beth's version of Gamebryo isn't that buggy. It's not the most efficient, to be sure, and it would be nice if they used a newer version, but if it ain't broke, don't complain about them not fixing it. And seriously, it ain't broke.
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This thread is closed. Nobody cares about your puerile complaints and profanity ridden rants. We're not Bethsoft, we don't have any control over what is being done. You are just wasting everyone's time. If you need to vent, do the world a favor and make a blog so that nobody else has to deal with it.


In the future, you may want to save your profanity for someone who might be impressed with your vocabulary. If you continue on like this, you will be banned from this family of sites. Excessive profanity and attempts to get around the filter are a serious offense around these parts. Deal with it or leave.




*edit* If you're having trouble getting the game working. Complaining about it as if it was a common problem is not a solution. Of the thousands of users of this site, and tens of thousands of players in the community, if this is not a problem for most of them, it is likely something on your end. Having a tantrum about it doesn't solve anything. People want to help, but not when someone seems so intent in being hostile and uncooperative about it. I know it's frustrating when a game doesn't work, but often it isn't working because something on your end isn't setup right.

Edited by Vagrant0
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