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Forum Game: Count to 20 before someone with an U/u in his username pos


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Looks like I'm not the only one who needs this http://img1.jurko.net/avatar_4602.gif 1


can show you how to put pics in your posts if you wish grannywils



Slygothmog: Didn't notice your comment before. Yes, I would love for you to show me how to put pics in my posts. Please, anytime. Thanks.

Lynne (grannywils)

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To put a pic/image on a post use the "insert Image" button in the edit tab (it's the third counting from the Emoticons button , you need first to host the image in a site first ( i suggest imageshak

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but grannywils, thou art a martian. :D



SEASONS= Join date determines membership



AUTUMN= September, October, November=Dark Cavalry


SPRING= March, April, May=Martians



SUMMER= June, July, August=Unnamed



WINTER= December, January, February=Legion of Doom


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but grannywils, thou art a martian. :D



SEASONS= Join date determines membership



AUTUMN= September, October, November=Dark Cavalry


SPRING= March, April, May=Martians



SUMMER= June, July, August=Unnamed



WINTER= December, January, February=Legion of Doom



Oh, I don't know why, but for some reason I thought I was an Autumn. Does Being a Martian (Spring) mean anything special, like I'm only supposed to post at certain times or something. Forgive my ignorance, but I'm reallly, really, really new at this :unsure:

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