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why does my game keep randomly crashing?!?

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i don't have very many mods installed in the game yet it keeps crashing. usually during transitions to new areas but now it's been crashing for no reason when i'm roaming the desert! i have no idea why either. as far as i know my load order is clean and none of my mods are conflicting with one another so i can't identify the problem!


can someone please help as i'm at a complete loss as to why the game is crashing.


my rig:

GPU: GeForce GTX 670

CPU: Intel Core i7-3770k CPU @ 3.50GHz
Memory: 16.00 RAM (15.96 GB Usable)
64-bit OS: Windows 7 Home Premium


my load order (as made by BOSS)



My Mod List:



edit: NVSE is installed and working correctly.

Edited by NamesAreTooSimple
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