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Quest creation tutorial.


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Here is one tutorial: Quest Tutorial


I do not know if I would call it beginner-friendly. I just found learning to make quests really hard. The interface is weird until you catch on. What I like is reverse engineering. Find a mod with a simple quest, or find a vanilla Oblivion quest and study it. Make changes to it. Make bigger and bigger changes to it. Turn it into something else entirely. You could even just start from the ground up with a new quest, and figure out what all of the steps are to make your quest look like the quest you are studying. You can look at it over and over and copy all the details you want.

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Yeah, mostly it's a fail/success that switch each other every time.

There are so many aspects to a quests...that you have to start small to grasp anything of it.

Your best bet is to dive into that tutorial and find out. If you have any questions we'll answer them.

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