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Script Troubles Need Help

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Ok ive been trying to figure this out for the past 3 hours using google and the geck help pages and all the tutorials i can find with community forums. Anywho i was trying to use a script from another mod to put into my own house mod "FOR PERSONAL USE" and im having such troubles. If i just copy and past from his cell to myne and load up the game the model isnt even there..... i can get a model to show up and attach the script to it but then the script doesnt work at all. Just says press e to use rad scrubber and nothing happens. Its a very simple script and i cant figure out what the problem is. Some help would be appreciated. Thanks



Radiation Scrubber - Removes all Radiation by using anesthetic machine


scn PSRadScrubberSCRIPT

short button
short checkButtons
short Decrease
short Regenerating
float PassedTime

Begin onActivate
if IsActionRef player == 1
	if Regenerating == 0
		set checkButtons to 1
		showMessage PSRadScrubberFirstMsg
	elseif Regenerating == 1
		ShowMessage PSRadScrubberFailMSG

Begin gameMode
if checkButtons == 1
	set button to getbuttonpressed
	if button > -1
		if button == 0
			set Decrease to ((Player.GetActorValue radiationrads) / -2)
			Player.ModActorValue radiationrads Decrease
			ShowMessage PSRadScrubberSuccessMSG
			PlaySound3D PSInhalant
			Set Regenerating to 1
			Set PassedTime to GameDaysPassed
		elseif button == 1
		set checkButtons to 0
if Regenerating == 1
	if (GameDaysPassed - PassedTime) >= 1
		Set Regenerating to 0

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Did you copy the three new mesasge objects:






And the sound object:





I just seen those in the script myself but how would i go about copying them? I just started learning about scripts and have no idea how to properly copy one over to a new cell.

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