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Construction Set problem can't use duplicated eyes and hair


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Hello. :biggrin: I have decided to try again and create companion that I want myself but I have a problem. I can't use duplicated hair and eyes. I'm using Beautiful People mod and I'm creating companion that would be Mystic Elf (duplicated race successfully) I can also duplicate hair and eyes (Ren Hair 2 and Sapphire eyes) but both copies never show up in the face creation window. And I have no idea why. Thank you and sorry for my bad English. :blush:
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Did you checkmark the Beautiful People mod as well when you loaded your own mod into the CS? Yours has to be the active mod, but Beautiful People should be selected, too.


Yes I did checkmarked Beautiful People.

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Did you checkmark the Beautiful People mod as well when you loaded your own mod into the CS? Yours has to be the active mod, but Beautiful People should be selected, too.


Yes I did checkmarked Beautiful People.


Try ESMIfying Beautiful People, then. The easy way to do this is to open up Wrye Bash, right-click on the Beautiful People ESP, and choose the ESMify option. Then close it, open the CS, make your mod the active plugin, and load in Beautiful People. See if that works. This will turn Beautiful People into a master for your companion. Remember to reopen Wrye later and ESPify Beautiful People. (Same procedure as before.) You only need to have Beautiful People as an ESM during the process of establishing that dependency.

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Did you checkmark the Beautiful People mod as well when you loaded your own mod into the CS? Yours has to be the active mod, but Beautiful People should be selected, too.


Yes I did checkmarked Beautiful People.


Try ESMIfying Beautiful People, then. The easy way to do this is to open up Wrye Bash, right-click on the Beautiful People ESP, and choose the ESMify option. Then close it, open the CS, make your mod the active plugin, and load in Beautiful People. See if that works. This will turn Beautiful People into a master for your companion. Remember to reopen Wrye later and ESPify Beautiful People. (Same procedure as before.) You only need to have Beautiful People as an ESM during the process of establishing that dependency.


Okay I'll try, thanks! :happy:

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If you play with Ren's mod active (for Mystic Elves) or one of the other mods that includes it (example; COBL -the cosmetic resources include Mystic Elves as far as I remember) you didn't actually have to duplicate them. You could have just pointed your new partner mod at the race from that plugin, unless you intend to release it for people that don't have the race installed (in which case make sure you have permission to release it). It won't cause you problems, as long as they have a unique ID, I just thought I would point that out.

Anyways... make sure your duplicate race has the hair and eyes selected in the charector/face gen menu in the CS (don't know if it duplicates these or just the race and you have to add them later - I have a merged esm that contains all my races and I just point my partners mods at that)

To do that (eyes first)

1 - Open the eye selections window (the one with all your eyes in)

2 - Open the race you wish to edit.

3 - Drag and drop the eyes you wish to use from the eyes window into the race's eye options.


You can repeat that for the hair. Should make them show up. Remember to save when you change anything in the CS. Particularly anything related to charector & race creation. The CS is glitchy as hell and has a nasty habit of crashing at the exact moment that you would loose the most work. :D


Happy Modding.


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If you play with Ren's mod active (for Mystic Elves) or one of the other mods that includes it (example; COBL -the cosmetic resources include Mystic Elves as far as I remember) you didn't actually have to duplicate them. You could have just pointed your new partner mod at the race from that plugin, unless you intend to release it for people that don't have the race installed (in which case make sure you have permission to release it). It won't cause you problems, as long as they have a unique ID, I just thought I would point that out.

Anyways... make sure your duplicate race has the hair and eyes selected in the charector/face gen menu in the CS (don't know if it duplicates these or just the race and you have to add them later - I have a merged esm that contains all my races and I just point my partners mods at that)

To do that (eyes first)

1 - Open the eye selections window (the one with all your eyes in)

2 - Open the race you wish to edit.

3 - Drag and drop the eyes you wish to use from the eyes window into the race's eye options.


You can repeat that for the hair. Should make them show up. Remember to save when you change anything in the CS. Particularly anything related to charector & race creation. The CS is glitchy as hell and has a nasty habit of crashing at the exact moment that you would loose the most work. :D


Happy Modding.



Thank you! :)

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