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New and Different 2 weapons idea


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I know there is a great interest in akimbo usage of pistols. My request is not one that asks the community to work on dual wielding pistols, but instead requesting something new,to me, based on my experience on the forums.


Imagine I am fighting some raiders. They are getting in close and I need to pull out a melee weapon. My melee weapon of choice is one handed. So I throw my gun into my left hand and pull my combat knife, for example. Now I do not expect or request an animation of the hand switch. Ok, now visually I have a gun in one hand and a knife in the other. I am going to use the knife to attack, while not taking the time to holster my gun. Now at this point I am Not going to shoot, I am concentrating on fighting. But perhaps in the act of holding my pistol in my left hand, I can use it in another way. Lets say balance, or something. Perhaps the image is a glove with the gun attached, so in essence it is a piece of clothing, But the clothing has bonus stats, like a +2 to melee, for example.


Perhaps even allowing two single handed weapons to be shown like this. One used to fight, the other, visual one, adding to my ability to fight, with bonuses.


I am making this request based on the Blocking request made earlier. Perhaps this idea will be liked and a community member will make the mod.

Thank you very much for reading my request.



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glove wont work as these are usuall attached to the armor and would hence remove the whole suit of you equip the gun


you could however make a hand to hand weapon like the brass knuckles with a pistoil model instead of the knuckles, however youd need to make one for every pistol you use and swap accordingly by hand as a script cant do that for you or the hotkey would get lost, a script can replace the hand to hand weapon depending on the weapon you wield (at least the vanilla ones) but it wont memorize the hotkey

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well, I was thinking about tailor maid. is it possible to make a pair of additions, like in tailor maid, or like the glove mods that makes a gun appear in the left hand? That was kind of my idea, although I am terrible at communicating my ideas. Hmm, yes, they key binding or making the switch is well beyond my knowledge of how mods work...


Is there any possibility at all of a mod like this to be made, technically speaking. I mean, can it be done, regardless of the question of will anyone do it?



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