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Crashing at the top of the Washington Monument


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Does not matter ..it's raw optimized Vanilla code that is required for that quest to work, it was extracted VIA GECK and Verified VIA asset manager in TES5 /FO3Edit rip. there is a lot more data I can include but this is all that';s connected to the script stages. Say like the door, and the other objects. which are in your bsa oldsters so these are not needed, load it last, in Either condition.

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I tried applying this both with and without mods and I still crash when I try to get to the top of the monument o_0

I hope I'm not doing something wrong, I copied the contents of the archive into the games data folder and overwrote any files. I have launched in both configurations with fomm and have the monument esp loading last, and have applied it as the last step before loading fomm.

When I launched with all mods I set the load list in FOMM and then ran FO3MasterUpdate before launching. I did not use this step when trying the patch without mods. Though like I said I still launched with FOMM in that instance.(Not sure if relevant but I did try launching without FOMM before you sent the patch when I had moved all mods) I have also tried launching with and without archive invalidation enabled, though I have no idea if that is relevant here xD


Hah, this problem seems to be persistent :) Still, I appreciate your continued input ^^

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This is an Update Stumble upon post about this particular bug. Posted in the spoiler bellow you will see a link and the assets used by said mod.

My question now would be "did you by chance instal this mod?...the one listed in the spoiler link?


[01:07] Background Loader: [FogRemover.esp] Building reference info.
[01:07] Background Loader: finished
Applying script...
textures\water\wastelandwaterpotomac.dds <-- WashMonTop "The Washington Monument" [WRLD:000C617E] \ WRLD \ XNAM - Water Noise Texture
textures\interface\worldmap\wasteland_1024_no_map.dds <-- Wasteland "Wasteland" [WRLD:0000003C] \ WRLD \ Icon \ ICON - Large Icon filename
[Apply Script done] Processed Records: 3923, Elapsed Time: 00:09

Link to the mod in question





I come across too many things but this takes the cake ,I mean its' exactly the very spot your bug lands on. Just to be fair ,I downloaded it and am going to see if I can duplicate the crash bug. Squeaky clean game too.


EDIT: Unable to reproduce any crashing, even with a mod that is loaded with deleted references still no crashing.

Completed the quest stages now 3 times so what ever the bug is, you have it, others don't. it's specif to data you have. I am alt tabbed out now Idling, I have two other games running too.


Edited by Purr4me
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Ok I've uploaded copies of the saves I have been using to test. The Autosave is inside the monument at the base of the elevator. The Other save is just outside the momument

Ive always just copied the whole folder not sent individual save files so if I've missed something please let me know.


Hmm o_0 I don't have the fogremover esp installed on it's own but the project reality mod does remove fog from the game.


I'm feeling that a fresh install on my end may be the next step if you can't find any problems with the save? :)

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and the load order as it's listed in the saved game:


[X] Fallout3.esm
[X] Anchorage.esm
[X] ThePitt.esm
[X] BrokenSteel.esm
[X] PointLookout.esm
[X] Zeta.esm
[X] Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esm
[X] CALIBR.esm
[X] FOOK2 - Main.ESM
[X] FOOK2 - [DIK] DLC Improvement Kit.ESM
[X] CASM.esp
[X] GNR Enhanced.esp
[X] FOOK2 - Main.esp
[X] FOOK2 - [DIK] DLC Improvement Kit.esp
[X] FOOK2 - Main [Hotfix].esp
[X] FOOK2 - DIK [Hotfix].esp
[X] Merged Patch.esp
[X] F3ProjectRealityMkI.esp



This procedure is to Educate you in how to Isolate data.

As you can see, I have used so far 4 tools and have yet to run the game.

From this I have an idea of where things are at. What was not mentioned.


zero points for wet fingers, was doing the dishes.Spelling went to the Polar bears.



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All fixed.

Incoming , Duck !

  1. http://s26.postimg.org/5f18mp955/Ki_1.jpg
  2. http://s26.postimg.org/vbuwzbcsp/Ki_2.jpg
  3. http://s26.postimg.org/dabs1iirt/Ki_3.jpg
  • [X] Fallout3.esm
    [X] Anchorage.esm
    [X] ThePitt.esm
    [X] Zeta.esm
    [X] PointLookout.esm
    [X] BrokenSteel.esm
    [X] CALIBR.esm
    [X] CASM.esp


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Hey sorry delayed reply, RL stuff ^_^

I got the fixed save game and applied it and you won't believe it but CTD xD
So I decided to just clean house, I have reinstalled the game from scratch and with basically zero mods installed I loaded the game and there I was, at the top of the washington monument. Truly, it was glorious to behold. I'm going to slowly apply mods and see if things hold together.
I really appreciate all your help and you taking time to try and fix my problem. I'm kind of unsure what I did to break things hopefully I won't just break it again by installing mods.

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