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Help finish my 'Skooma Deals' mod


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Hello all,

I've just put out the Beta version to my Skooma Deals mod. But there are a few things I'd like help with, mostly coding help, as I'm fairly new to this whole modding fiasco, but there are a few general thoughts/ideas I'd like, which I will get out of the way first...


- I need suggestions for NPCs who can act as other dealers, at present its just Roxanne Brigette in the Bravil Skooma den, but I'd like at least 2 per city, and maybe a couple of wilderness dudes as well. They need to be non-essential and non-quest related.


- I need peoples thoughts on factions/races/classes/etc. that would me more/less likely to buy skooma, or more/less likely to pay more. Ie. Khajiit might be more likely to want some, but less likely to pay high. I can have combos like low-rank mage guild are more likely, whilst high-rank are less likely etc. Any suggestion you like, with some kind of justification please.




- A way to get all skooma to be illegal (I tried Jadrax illegal Skooma but it doesn't seem to work.), AND/OR a way to get guards to check for, and confiscate skooma on arrest.


- How to check if a you can be seen by a guard (or responsible citizen).


- Is there a way to send an NPC to jail temporarily?


- Can I check if other mods are running, and have code that only runs when they are? (at present it checks if NPC is in say, BravilFaction, can I get it to check Windfallfaction even if that mod isn't running?)


- Can I check how many NPCs are in a faction?



I think thats all I need to know, I'm sure I'll think of somthing else soon though!


Thanks in advance,


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-Dealers for the Imperial City-Shady Sam and some NPC from Waterfront

-http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=25071 I think that this mod should give you some insight on scripts about guards and citizens spotting you.

-I think you can check how many NPC's are in a faction in the CS.

I would gladly help you with everyting,but I am no modder.I can help with lore etc.

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