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[Scripting] Avoid Looping in GameMode


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I Want to add certain items to a character when he reaches certain XP points. The fact is that i want to add a big list of items.


I wish to design a script which adds different items after certain XP Values. The matter is that, the only Way i can do it, is through IF statements which turns off when the item was given. but the task is boring if I want to add more than 20 items,


i want to avoid this: (which, without the DoOnce variables, the item would be added infinite times after XP value)


Begin GameMode ; fquestdelytime 0.001

if DoOnce1 == 0

if CharXP >= 100
Player.AddItem Sword1
set DoOnce1 to 1


if DoOnce2 == 0

if CharXP >= 150
Player.AddItem Sword2
set DoOnce2 to 1




if there is a way to give the Item only once without having to create a DoOnce variable for each item, i would appreciate the help



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I Want to add certain items to a character when he reaches certain XP points. The fact is that i want to add a big list of items.


I wish to design a script which adds different items after certain XP Values. The matter is that, the only Way i can do it, is through IF statements which turns off when the item was given. but the task is boring if I want to add more than 20 items,


i want to avoid this: (which, without the DoOnce variables, the item would be added infinite times after XP value)



if there is a way to give the Item only once without having to create a DoOnce variable for each item, i would appreciate the help




Not precisely what you asked for, but if you considered adding the items per player level instead of per so many XPs then you could create a leveled list with your items in it then just add from your leveled list each time - would still have the DoOnce lock, but only one which you could reset when the player levels up - or alternatively simply add the item from the leveled list when the player levels up (on menumode # where # is the levelup menu).

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Instead of lots of DoOnce variables, you could just have a NextXP variable, initially set at 100, as follows:


if CharXP >= NextXP

if NextXP = 100

additem Sword1

set NextXP to 150

elseif NextXP = 150

additem sword2

set NextXP to 200

elseif ......





This should also make your script more efficient, as it will only have one 'if' to check most of the time.

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Thank you, that is very usefull.


I will add it to the next hundred of stuff I want to add, the ones done will remain as before.


the fact is that I use many checks (not only CharXP, but skills such as blade, armorer, restoration, etc)


but it will be a lot easier

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