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New to Companion mods


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Ok I installed CM companions and I recruited my first companion. while everything is fine now I fear it won't be long before things get complicated and I might lose her.


Do companions level up? Is this affected by the Obivion XP mod?

Are there any resurrection or healing spells suited for Companions?

What other handy Mods are there that compliment CM Companions.


Note I use MMM and OOO and as a Thief I was not surviving in the wild which is why I started using companions.

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First off - whenever you install any mod, read the read-me. Keep the zips handy of EVERY mod you install for troubleshooting purposes. You're only gonna have problems later if you don't. Plus you'll have that all important read-me handy, right there in the zip. Thats not a dig at you, I just see an awful lot of people asking questions that I know for a fact are answered right there in the mod's own docs. Failing that, check the mod's upload thread and description. If anyone else has run into problems or has similar concerns to you, they'll like as not be mentioned there.


Now, onto the nitty-gritty stuff.

Will you loose her?

No. You get a pair of rings when you install the mod, if its installed correctly. One will teleport you to your companions. The other will teleport them to you. Notable exceptions include if you've told her to stand guard (she's working and therefore won't move - funky for adding guards in-game to your players residence) or if you tell her to wait somewhere (eventually she'll get bored, wander around the surrounding area, and after a long while might even decide to potter off home - back to where you found her in the first place)

Will she level up?

Yepo. Default CM partners script makes them level up at the same rate you do, -1. So when you level to 2, she'll still be level 1. When you hit 3, she'll be level 2, and so on and so forth. There's a shedload of unique and story driven partners out there, and that I'm not going into. I'd be here all week. Read the docs.

Does Oblivion XP affect this?

As far as I know, no. And its not supposed to. The only thing that Oblivion XP should affect is the PC.

Spells n stuffs.

There are mods for it, but by default I think most partners come with ways of healing themselves. And then theres the vanilla spells for healing and buffing targets that can be used to compliment this. Stacking health buffs and shield buffs (as long as the spells have different names or they won't stack) can turn a simple warrior CM into a helluva tank that can keep a whole lotta enemies busy whilst you do your sneaky thing. Additionally, they'll automatically use most beneficial potions you give them on themselves, as well as using poisons on your enemies. Just try not to hit your partners with too many area attacks. They get a bit peeved at you after a while if you do.

Will they die?

Depends what version of the mod you use. Theres two. First one being the normal version, in which case no, they won't. They're set to essential, so they'll only get knocked out. They'll be up and about again in no time. But sriously, wheres the fun (or for that matter, realism) in that? So I use the NE versions. Stands for Non-essential. Yep, they'll die. *sobs* Wait... why am I crying? Its usually me that kills them!

Other handy mods

Don't even get me started. Theres millions. Custom Partner mods with and without stories, mods that give them horses (this can lead to other problems though - you've been warned), mods that allow them to ...well, basically, if you think your partners should be able to do something that they can't, there's probably already a mod for it. You just have to be quite patient in trawling the file servers for through the 1000's of mods that searching for CM or Partners or any variant of the two will give you.


Happy hunting.


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I have been using mods for years now so I always keep an archive of read-me. However let me address why I asked these question. I wasn't afraid of losing her as in losing track. I meant her being killed. I asked about the levelling because even though the read-me states they level up with you, the character I got to join me was Dar-ma from the hackdirt quest. she was 3 levels behind me and now she is 4.
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Ah I found my problem. I was wondering why the read-me was inconsistent with what I was seeing in game. I also have Toaster says share running. so Dar-ma was a companion collected through TSS so she didn't have the CM features.
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Heh heh heh.

Sorry if you thought I was addressing you like a bit of a noob then... (re-reading that, I guess I was... oopski.)

I always thought TSS/CM would battle the bejesus out of each other's scripting, so I only use CMs. I know it means you're limited to just recruiting partners, not anyone like you can with TSS, but hey, theres like... more than I even want to attempt to count, plus I make my own...

And at level 30+ and with FCOM installed, almost everyone you can recruit from the game world is gonna last about 6 seconds once the fighting starts... better off with CMs in my humble opinion.



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