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A Ravnica styled Guild system


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For any of you who have played the card game "Magic the Gathering" will more than likely know of the set "Ravnica City of Guilds" (and the 2 blocks following, Guildpact and Dissension)


Basically of all the guild mods I've seen, i can't help but think, are the tensions between them alright? I know in morrowind they tended to clash a little bit (mainly the fighters guild vs thieves guild.) You'd think that with varying degrees of differences in ideals that there's be tensions from time to time. This is where i was thinking of the Ravnican "Guildpact" system, where they're all bound to "respectfully accept" the other guilds. <SPOILER IF ANYONE CARES, AHEAD> In the end just to screw something up and break the 'pact via a paradox.


This would make sens in most ways but 2, theres primarily only 2 "Major" guilds, and i say 2 because 'Technically' most people believe the thieves guild is a myth, being the second issue.


Now with this on PC there have been a TON of Guild additions. such as the Archaeology guild from Lost Spires, or the mod where you can actually make your own. (i believe thats the Order of the Nibenay (SP?) ) Now I'm not saying include them, but maybe dividing some other things up into guilds could make things mesh a bit better. such as Vampires and Necromancers, as far as i know there aren't really any guilds devoted to them, and then there are the daedric cults which are small groupings of people which could become unified to found a guild. thats adding 3 guilds to the 3-ish original guilds. Not including past interests such as the Tribunal and the syndicates like Comonna Tong(SP?)


As I'm writing this the idea seems fun, but a third issue is probably the biggest, how does something that sounds like a load of fun... fit with Lore? Because without lore, guild systems are a little silly, and pointless other than just founding them to "organize the people of like minded ideals"


Well I'm certain something could be dug up to start something. Most already have some basis for founding something of the sort, such as the Mythic Dawn had Mankar Camoran and Mehrunes Dagon. While of course the Imperial Legion have the Emperor Uriel Septim / Tiber Septim. Of those two which the main quest surrounds, the Assassination of Uriel could be the trigger to all of the Tensions, which would spur sub quests where of whichever guilds you wind up associating with (which also means if you're apart of the mages guild the Necromancers will NOT like you, however if you find a way into the Necromancer's guild the Mages won't want much to do with you.) Against whatever enemy guilds those dislike


For Example;

Imperials vs Mythic Dawn / Thieves guild

Thieves guild Vs Fighters Guild /Daedric Cults? (Via Nocturnal's cursed Cowl?)

Mages Guild Vs Necromancers / ??? (??? = don't know yet)

Vampires Vs Order of Virtuous Blood / ???


so on and so fourth. Each guild would have atleast 2 "enemy guilds" so they would all have some tension somewhere and potential sabotage from one while distracted with another, all while maintaining their own goals. (some of those goals, such as the Mythic Dawn, ARE to take down their enemies.)


What do you all think?

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Just to say you forgot the Dark Brotherhood....and the Mages Guild is already Vs. the Necromancers...and the Fighters Guild is technically Vs. Blackwood Company.


Some of these are not guilds like the Mythic Dawn, they're cults. So I would more like to see something like churches of the nine divines against the daedra worshipers. Makes more since in my opinion.


It would also be nice to see guilds actively working together like the Fighters Guild and the Mages Guild banding together against a singular evil or something.

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Just to say you forgot the Dark Brotherhood....and the Mages Guild is already Vs. the Necromancers...and the Fighters Guild is technically Vs. Blackwood Company.


Some of these are not guilds like the Mythic Dawn, they're cults. So I would more like to see something like churches of the nine divines against the daedra worshipers. Makes more since in my opinion.


It would also be nice to see guilds actively working together like the Fighters Guild and the Mages Guild banding together against a singular evil or something.

I was only giving a list of examples, so yeah there would be room for improvement. and those would make better sense i suppose.



On this forum, bumping gets things locked.


Sorry? but what was i going to do just sit and watch it go to the end of the forum? i mean it was 4+ pages back and i only posted it a day or two ago.

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On this forum, bumping gets things locked.


Gotta follow the rules of the forum and I understand the lockage for bumpage, but maybe somebody could extend the amount of posts on the first page? Or set pinned topics in a seperate section...cuz on like the General Modding section almost half of the posts on the first page are pinned items.

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Sorry? but what was i going to do just sit and watch it go to the end of the forum? i mean it was 4+ pages back and i only posted it a day or two ago.

Yes, actually/ Rather than breaking the rules, that's exactly what you do. Rules aren't there to be broken at your convenience, I wish they were!


Also, don't sass Buddha. He has a big banhammer.

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Ahahaha Banhammer...


Usually 1 bump is fine, still against rules but tolerated. 2 bumps? Means let it die. :biggrin:

;_; alright, well I've been warneded. So next time I'll just let er go... however much i find it annoying. :T

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