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Field Medic Power Armor


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K, last questions. Just the Stimpaks and Rads...OR just like the Prototype that'll also give med-x?

And the another one...will it ALWAYS apply stimpaks at a low health..or just when you're in combat?

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Being the masochist I am, I'd probably incline for the harsher (aka just stimpacks/radaways during combat)... mostly because it's a field medic armor and after all is basically meant to be used during combat, don't you think? On the other hand, I will probably wear the regular version WAY more often, so I think that decision should better fall upon those who're actually going to use the 'advanced version' - so to speak - in a regular basis or have tried something similar before. I wear my armor scarce and eat my steak raw! (and also die a lot LOL).
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