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Help! Ozammar about the Prince and Harrowmont


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So I was doing the task asked you to choose side between Prince and Lord Harrowmont. First I went to Harrowmont side and fought the Proving for him, but then I changed my mind, so I went to the Prince side and did the task to find Lady Dace and Helmi. After this I wanted to see what would happen if I agreed to spy for both of the sides, but now the issue is neither of them would completed my plot because the Prince want to know what Harrowmont next step is, and the same for Harrowmont side.


dont know if I explained this clear enough... My English is not that good :sweat:


Could anyone help? Thanks!

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I've done this not only once, but on three different play throughs. You cannot blame a guy for forgetting when the game is as long as it is. You'd think they would have closed off one option once you decided to go down the path of the other to prevent this sort of thing from occurring.
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