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OBSE Problem


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Hello, I'm new here on the forums but I am having a problem with OBSE - Oblivion Script Extender. I have the stable version which is 0017b. Okay so i'm going to start off by telling you the problem. So when I start OBSE it starts up then it stays at a black screen for like 3 - 5 seconds and then it quits. I have no mods installed. NONE! I have the Shivering isles, Nights of Nine and the extra quests like wizard tower and Thief's Den etc. But nothing! I have the latest patch for oblivion and Shivering Isles. The latest is: SHIVERING ISLES PATCH v1.2.0416, OBLIVION PATCH v1.2.0416. So what am I missing? I was thinking that OBSE was having conflicts with the extra quests? I do not really no. Can someone help me out?
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You only need the Shivering Isle's Patch instead of the Oblivion Patch, if you have Shivering Isles. Try getting rid of the Oblivion Patch, by either Reinstalling or deleting it somehow.


Okay, I just learned that not only the black screen problem doesnt work in OBSE but it doesnt work even with regular launcher!

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Welcome to the Nexus.


Has the game ever worked?

What Operating System?

Did you ever have any mods installed (whether they worked or not)?

Where is the game installed? default location - or other?

Which version of the game do you have? Disk, GOTY, Steam, D2D?

If it is a pirate version, sorry about your luck. It probably won't work. And you get no help here.


If D2D - OBSE will not work with it. Blame D2D and not OBSE or Bethesda.

If steam - there are special install instructions for OBSE

If GOTY, if the Shivering Isles part is installed, it will be patched to the latest version

If standard disk, it will need to be patched first.

If pirate- it needs to be legal to patch - don't be so cheap, buy the game.

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