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Grey Warden Runic Armor


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So I recently updated my GW Runic Armor from 1.2 (which was perfect) to 2.1, and my armor in awakening disappeared. I tried to fix this and ended up deleting my GW armor in the OC. I was wondering if there was a way to add it to my inventory again? I still have the dazip for 1.2, so is there any way this is possible, through a script or any other method?
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Should be easy enough. Uninstall the mod, and create a new, clean save on both characters. And I mean, uninstall, not deactivate. and by new. I mean, in the savegame menu, create a new save. Name it something like Clean Save 1 on one character and CleanSave2 on another. (Always try to keep your savegame names different to avoid savegame bleedover as much as possible).

Once thats done, reinstall the mod. then load the clean save and see if it works.


I will warn you now tho.... Awakening/patch 1.03 blocks many mods, the GW armor, being one of them. :sad: So it is very possible that you wont be able to get this armor back, without completely uninstalling your game and it's registry entries.


Good luck!

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Thanks Darkewolf for the reply. I will definitely try that. Odd it would stop both the older version of the GW armor and the newer updated version (I prefer the older version, as it didnt conflict with Awakening). I'll post my result later!
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I had a huge problem with it, when I installed Awakening/Patch 1.03. It worked fine with any characters that had the mod installed PRIOR to the installation of Awakening. But as soon as I created a new character, everything went to hell in a handbasket.


I ended up deciding that I'd rather have my mods, and enjoy several weeks worth of gaming, than keep the expansion, which is only 2-4 days long. And ended up not reinstalling Awakening when I uninstalled/reinstalled the game. (that, and truthfully the last 1/4 of the expansion was pretty crappy imo)


THe biggest reason, isnt because of anything in the mod itself. It's awakening. Its a case of the modders being smarter than the game makers. OR however much research they were allowed into putting into fixes, by EAgames. See... the DA community has figured out how to make armors that use the same meshes, but different tints and skins. BW apparently doesnt pay any attention to us, because they couldnt figure out how to do it, without it causing graphics errors.


THEY couldnt figure out how to fix it, in the time that they were given. So rather than have their players running around in gear that looks like chunks of grey plastic, they created a block list. A list of the gear that was reused in DAA, that would allow the client to ONLY load those items BY the client. What I mean is, it won't let a mod or DLC run that item, unless it's in the DAA files.

Their intent surely wasnt for this to affect DAO too, but however... it did. And since the Effort Armor (which is what the GW armor is) is used in awakening, it gets blocked. :sad:

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I decided to go Darkewolf's advice and uninstalled DA and reinstalled with the 1.02 patch. Everything works fine now! Thanks for the help, the problem was not in the mod, but in the expansion. Hopefully a workaround is created because I really liked my Sentinel Set in the OC, but ofc I can just go create my own set through the toolset :ninja: :ninja:
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I am glad to hear that it worked for you, tho I do wish that such extreme measures didnt have to be taken in order for it to work.


I dont have them linked, but I remember seeing a mod a while back that would let you have DAA items in DAO. I never looked more into it, because I'm on my fourth install of the OC. (EAgames put a lock on the key, that it only works 4 times), so I cant reinstall my game again, if I try to get the DAA files for my DAO. (REALLY makes me wish I would have backed up the DAA files, before uninstalling them, lol).

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  • 1 month later...

Hi there!


I installed this mod and it worked perfectly with my Saves..


So I wanted to start a new game (the mod was turned on), but the armor wasn't in my inventory!

I tried again making a new Char, with the difference that the mod is turned off while I created the new Char.

And there it worked again!

It only does not work with this one Save, please help! :sad:


By the way, I'm playing without Awakening


Thank you




Edit: I have patch 1.3 NONSTEAM-Version

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Heyas Nethwaethor, welcome to the nexus!

Ok, try this. Try starting the new character without any of your mods running. Sometimes there are some mods that block others.


Or- you can try this- http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1131

this is actually really nice, as it allows you to use the console to add many things directly into your inventory. Including the GW armor :biggrin:

You will need to activate the console tho, There's a link to how to do it in the description of hdhd's mod.


Good luck!

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Thank you! :biggrin:


My English is not the best and yesterday evening I had not much time to explain.


Let me explain again: I had two Chars already, before the mod was installed. After I installed the mod

the armor worked perfectly in my two current Chars. Then I wanted to start a new game, but the armor was not in my inventory.

I thought the armor will apear somewhere in the game. (Now I am at Redcliffe) But it didn't of course, because the armor had to be in the inventory at the beginning.

Well I was not sure what to do so I tried your workarround you told before, DarkeWolf. That didn't work too.

To be sure I started another game, just as test to see what happens, and there the armor apeared right in the beginning in my inventory.


It just seems weird to me because it doesn't work just with this one Char, and I don't want to start a new game just to get that Armor.

But I'm gonna try that with the console!


Thanks a lot to you DarkeWolf!




Edit: And thanks for the nice Welcome :thumbsup:

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Nethwaethor- not a problem, I hope that you can get this working. That is some really nice looking armor.

Yeah, this armor has issues with patch 1.03. So I definitely wish you luck.

IF hdhd's console script doesnt work, let me know, and we will see what we can do.


And you are very welcome, for the welcome :smile:

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