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Oblivion: movie making and so on...


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Hey! i always wandered how people do all kind of movies of oblivion, like in some screenshots the character is in weird positions, and some "movies" theres like a floating camera that you can control and record? How do i do these things? im pretty new to this moding things and so on... put what do i need to do these movie and screenshot things? (sorry for bad english, im finnish)
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I think you need to download a movie making software to make movies. There are free ones online but I don't know any of their names since I never use them.

The model poses are from mods called Actors in Motion or something like that. Go to TesNexus search bar and type in "actor" and see if the mods pop up. Also, they may be using

a modded camera angles for the movie making.

I don't use any of this stuff but I am vaguely familiar with it. I'm sure someone will come on and give you real answers to your questions. :D

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