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Oblivion Not Able To Play In Full Screen


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Hello, I recently got the new patch for oblivion and I havent tested this yet but whenever I open oblivion in fullscreen it opens then stays at a black screen and I hear 3 flicker sounds then oblivion exits. My graphics card is a ATI Radeion 800 series. I was able to play fullscreen before I patched oblivion. I think I might need a computer restart. Im going to try that but other than that I dont no why it wont go to full screen. It works in windowed mode on high quality.
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That is quite the issue. If I were you, the first thing I'd do is pull out your oblivion.ini file. Drop it onto your desktop or rename it. Doing so will cause the game to detect your hardware and build a new one for you. Hopefully that'll help you. If it doesn't, you can always put your old one back where it belongs.


For the record, it's in your Documents/My Games/Oblivion directory. It'll be simply titled "Oblivion" at first glance.

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  • 3 months later...

That is quite the issue. If I were you, the first thing I'd do is pull out your oblivion.ini file. Drop it onto your desktop or rename it. Doing so will cause the game to detect your hardware and build a new one for you. Hopefully that'll help you. If it doesn't, you can always put your old one back where it belongs.


For the record, it's in your Documents/My Games/Oblivion directory. It'll be simply titled "Oblivion" at first glance. i didnt do what u said but it led me to something that does work so thanks :)


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