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I recently installed this mod and i like it. I like it. Kudos to the author(s) and to the mod itself. I am not criticizing, I am looking for insights and help.


I set the mod up to give me more realistic interiors--colder, more rustic, a little darker. I could have set it up to have interiors be warmer and a little brighter. But I wanted to experience the immersion.


So I walk into Honeyside and it is suitably dark. But the odd thing is that as I'm walking towards the bed suddenly a square of almost white appears on the floor, and then disappears again. I realized very quickly that it is supposed to be a patch of light coming from the window. But one step in any direction and it disappears...breaking immersion.


Is this something I'm just noticing now because of the interior lighting setting? Or is it a problem with my system, or a mod conflict (I use Loot), or one that I can fix...maybe by switching to warmer interiors.


Or do I just have to live with it?

Edited by MacSuibhne
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Thank you for responding.


I haven't been able to play much more than ten minutes or so since I posted the inquiry, but I think I have the problem resolved.


Bottom line I think it was a conflict between CoT and ELFX. The interiors section of CoT wasn't playing nice with ELFX interior lighting (or vice versa). I deactivated CoT and reactivated it with the Interiors set to default (vanilla) .


Anyway when a get more time, this weekend, I'll know more.


Thanks again.

Edited by MacSuibhne
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