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Loot sale items from traveling merchants


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I've always felt it was annoying when I would kill a merchant in a town and not be able to raid their inventory of what it was they were selling. That's when I learned about the merchant chests and I was figured I would just deal with looting what they had on the shelves in their store. However, for traveling merchants who risk the wilds, they must carry all of their goods on them (realistically), and I think that when you kill a traveling merchant, you should be able to loot all of the items they would be selling. A lot of the time, they have way more goods than that individual actor would probably be able to carry, but I've been searching for a mod that would allow me and my followers to attack a merchant group and then raid their goods, much like any true bandits. So it's always disappointing that they only have their basic loot upon defeating them.


I don't really know if this idea for a mod is possible or how difficult it would be, but it would be really awesome. Yeah, it might unbalanced some things, but just in regards to the realistic aspect of being able to take the items outweighs that. And maybe more guards could be added to the merchants or something, too. Either way, it would be really cool to be able to loot the items from a traveling merchant that they were selling. I don't know if traveling merchants work the same as others with a chest hidden far away, but if there was some way to link the chest to their inventory on death or something, maybe that could do it? It would be awesome if this is possible, but if not, please let me know so I can move on with my bandit ways.

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[Disclaimer] I ain't no mod maker, so whatever I say doesn't necessarily need to be complete or even correct. But I think by using the Horse Storage script from Convenient Horses, you could switch the mercant's inventory chest to the horse.

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