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Crap lighting in character creator?


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Argh I'm SO fed up with the extremely crappy lighting in the character designing thing. All those unnatural shadows and the dark lighting is making it impossible for me to make pretty PCs. I'm so annoyed of trying to make slightly tanned characters, only to discover that in normal game lighting they're pale as ghosts... among other things.


Is there any way to have normal lighting in the character designer so you can design your PC properly? Did anyone make a mod or anything yet?


(Of course I am talking about the ingame creator that you use to design your own character before starting a new quest, NOT the seperate program that was released [which I wasn't aware even existed until I did a search])

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I totally agree, as do many others, that the lighting in the CC really, really sucks. You can have a morph made up in the creator that you really like, then throw it into the game and end up absolutely hating it.


I myself don't know of such a mod. Or even how that particular part of the program would be edited, to create one :sad:


I do know that many of the (good/great) morphs that we see are made in the toolset. under file/new/morph.

While some of it there is the same, there's still some differences. the biggest being that body parts have to be selected manually, rather than having sliders :verymad: :sad:

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wow, totally misread the title. I thought it said "Crap Lightning".

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Now that would be something to see!!!

I second that! ;D


And the lighting was one of my biggest pet peeves when I first started playing the game. What I do now is if I know I'm going to make a new character (make sure you are NOT in window mode) is set the gamma on around 67 (normally I keep it on 57) and that will lighten up the CC enough to see the skin and eye color you're trying to get. I too disliked the pale skin (unless I was going for that look) but with a lighter gamma in there, you can now try out different skin tones a little easier. When you are finished, of course the game will go into the cutscene and that will be light but as soon as you can get to the options, then lower the gamma. Something else I do, is I have made so many characters I know where some of the eye, hair and skin colors are by counting. I might like a certain shade of blue eyes so I'll count 10 from left to right and know I'm on the right color. I do that with the skin and hair a lot also. Too bad there aren't numbers on the sliders, I think someone put numbers on the Oblivion sliders, that would really make the character creator easier for DA.

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hmmm. I may have to adjust the gamma on the game next time I'm in character creator. Nice share, thanks for that info!


I dont know how many of you use Luchaire's Better Sex mods, but there's a couple of animations in there, that she uses, that would be PERFECT for a crap lightning position.

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Crap lightning flatulence







Crap lightning flatulence... poor leliana got caught downwind.






No, not really, my team got hit by a chain lightning, lol.

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No, not really, my team got hit by a chain lightning, lol.


William Wallace: Sons of Scotland! I am William Wallace.

Young Soldier: William Wallace is seven feet tall!

William Wallace: Yes, I've heard. Kills men by the hundreds. And if HE were here, he'd consume the English with fireballs from his eyes, and bolts of lightning from his arse.


Can she shoot fireballs from her eyes too?




Hrm.. If I replace "William Wallace" with "Morrigan", "Sons of Scotland" with "Daughters of Ferelden" and "English" with "Darkspawn"... that still works.


Morrigan: Daughters of Ferelden! I am Morrigan, daughter of Flemeth, apostate of the Kokari Wilds! .

Young Soldier: Morrigan is seven feet tall!

Morrigan: Yes, I've heard. Kills men by the hundreds. And if SHE were here, she'd consume the Darkspawn with fireballs from her eyes, and bolts of lightning from her arse.

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