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No class penalty


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I was wondering if anyone know of a mod that only removes the leveling penalty for classes. I.e someone with warrior clas could level as fast in restoration as a mage.

Or is it easy to fix my self?


PS I have been searching for level and experience and haven't find anything. Excuse my bad english;) DS

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It's not a penalty to other skills, it's a bonus to the ones within your specialization. While you can remove this bonus by changing a gamesetting, it would mean that all the skills level at the normal rate (which would then need to be adjusted for each skill). This behavior is hard coded, and you can't change which specialization group a skill belongs with nor remove the bonus to those skills that go with that specialization.
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Ok bonus. OOO has the option to manualy change rate of base/main attribut bonus/class bonus. I was hoping there was an easy way to change thise things my self, but I guess not then:p


Thank you for your answer

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