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ok i was thinking there should be something like a behemoth but for mirlurks like a "Megalurk" can use same move set a behemoth just change to be mirlurk with one huge claw and some changes here and there would this be very hard to make? I would really like to see this in game if someone can make this I would be very happy be even nicer if Marts Mutant Mod makers would pick this idea up cause it would be so cool.
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Well....You'll need a new model, animation, and leveled list, in all likelihood.

You could always just take a regular mirelurk, double it's size, and ramp up the stats, but get the feeling that's not quite what you're looking for. I actually like this idea, though.

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If you use the Nuka Lurks model then it would have that nice radioactive glow look... maybe you're walking through the wasteland when you see a NukaLurk and then it touches some radioactive sludge and grows to giant behemoth size. Maybe give the the power to breath fire and you're all set.
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hello all again im back and its my birthday woot. Can someone make a model for a megalurk animate it and.........wow thats alot of work...........you know what a mirelurk thats it animations that been changed to make it look like its attacking things smaller than it would work aswell.


P.s. Hope you all have a nice day and stuff.

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