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Temperature to the Wasteland


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Wouldn't it be good if the wasteland had temperature?


You might actually have to find shelter during a storm or shade in the heat. Could be used with one of the weather mods to change temp depending on conditions.


Get sunburn and be able to buy sun cream , dehydrate based on temp.


Camp next to a fire to keep warm on cold nights - fires have a heat radius


Clothing will be pactical and different Cold Resistences which depends on its condition and type of clothing i.e. wasteland Duster is better than parkstroller outfit in cold weather and if its warm you will have to wear lighter clothing.


Wearing hats and gloves protect your extremities.


There are many great realism mods but none i've found have this in them. i'm no modder so don't know if it could be done but the great minds of the modding community must have an idea :thumbsup:

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