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Reveal Map Locations


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I like to adventure, and explore new places. Lots of them. But call me crazy, I like to know where I'm going. If the mod does not already exist (If it does, I must be blind. I've searched for awhile, multiple times), could someone make a mod that will reveal all map markers in the game (that would include modded locations, I'm sure), but not enable them for fast travel? Like, after you get a quest location, but must still travel there? That way, I know what I'm looking for but can still be surprised when I get there. Or something. http://thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/Dark/happy.gif Thanks in advance.



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This is quite true, thank you both. However, I have tried both and neither solution is much to my taste. I do like the ability to fast travel every now and again, so not being able to would put kind of a kink in my style. Also, the toggle map markers console command never saves for me, so I get the places, already discovered, added to my map, for just that session. When I open the game once more, everything has gone back to normal. I was hoping for a mod that bridged the gap, as I described above. I would make it myself, but I've never been good with the inner mechanics of the CS. Thanks for the suggestions anyway, though. Anyone else got any input?
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