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Succubus Mechanic


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I really enjoy the thought of playing the succubus custom race mod, but other then the health regen in the transformed state it does really FEEL like I am playing a succubus. They have a need to fulfill and while I did find one mod that attempted to add a mechanic (succubus RP) it just didn't work well and I ended up killing all of my followers just to roam the map.


In Succubus RP you have to have sex to fill your stamina bar, but anyone you have sex with dies. Also if your magic or health is damaged at all, your stamina drains to slowly refill either of those bars which makes it REALLY difficult to keep any kind of stamina in the game. Having to constantly kill NPC's to regen your stamina bar is troublesome. I do love that he tried to attempt to add a mechanic for the succubus though, so I give him points for trying. I've tried to offer suggestions and stuff but I don't think the author has any other plans on continuing it.


What I would like to see is sort of the same thing but instead have it sort of like the vampire need to feed. If your need is to great you don't regen stamina at all, but if your need is more than satisfied your stamina regens quickly. Using the animated prostitution you can have your succubus fill her needs. I didn't like how in RP everyone dies, but I understand that is should do a little damage, but I would prefer it didn't.


Thanks, I'd love to see if anyone else likes this idea.

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