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Searching Mod 3618 (deleted?)


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i saw today a great Mod with the Number 3618. It changes the Wildlife and adds bandids that will behave intelligant.. Now it is deletet.

It was so great. Please, can somebody tell me the author or en alternate Link?


There is nothing else i know about this mod.

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I'm guessing at Natural Wildlife. Look it up. :)


No, it was differnt. More Wildlife + fishes.

And new NPCs that travel around the world and do there own thing. They kill bandids and wildlife to get food. Travel in groups. ...

one picture was included. I waitet to download the mod i'm at home, but then it was deleted.


Perhaps a Admin can figure out who published the Mod with this number?

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I have been noticing the same thing. there was a mod that basically changed everything in the game, like making the whole game a littlwe darker so you didnt have so much glare and dropping torches and better values, etc. it had a list of about 40 things it did, but by the time i got home, it was gone and i cant find it anywhere.
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