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GECK View Object Distance


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I've been searching for a method on how to make an object be viewed from a distance and object such as building. I placed a very large structure in the wasteland and when I test it everything looks off because certain things can be seen while the actual structure itself cannont be seen unless I'm right on top of it. It looks as if its appearing from thin air. Most topics that I've locatrd via bing search are talking about the loading of cells and not necessarily objects themselves (like the buildings on the strip can been seen a long way off or the memorial near the Mojave Ooutpost can be seen from a sitance. I'm trying to figure out how to do the same thing. Would anyone happen to have a link that I may have skipped over that could help me.


Oh and the object I'm dealing with doesn't have the (view from distance) option avaialbe for selection. I'd like to know how to make that option avaiable for the object in question.


Thank you for your time.

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