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Alistair is a massive jerk.


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If crowned, Alistair coldly breaks it off with the female PC if she isn't a Human Noble. But, being king, he's perfectly capable of handing out titles himself and can make the PC his chancellor and the Arlessa of Denerim or something, isn't he? If the nobility doesn't object to that, why couldn't he just give the PC a title and then think about whether it's impossible for them to be together?


In Alistair's break-up speech to the elven/dwarven/mage female PC, he says the reason is because two Grey Wardens can't have a child together - but somehow this isn't a problem for him if you just so happen to be a human noble? What the hell? That makes no sense whatsoever. Now you're just making excuses, Alistair. You haven't had your sulky little ass on the throne for 10 minutes and it's already turned you into a flaming %&$!. I hate you.


But then again, I prefer making Anora queen anyway. I actually really like her character, I think she's a great woman and much more capable of leading a country than that dimwitted jerk...

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Actually, Alistair tries to bring the subject of an heir up with a human noble as well, so it is of concern. But the human noble can pretty much brush the issue aside since there are no other strikes against her. And, honestly, I am not sure what happens if, as a human noble, you choose another conversation option other than "Well, it won't be for lack of trying." I may try it on my current play-through and see if he breaks up with her after all.


The fact is, he's an illegitimate son, raised as a commoner. As far as he knows, he's the son of a scullery maid, and the truth

(that his mother was an elf, a mage, AND a Grey Warden)

would be worse if anyone ever actually found out. His reign is on VERY shaky ground.


If he were to marry an elf, or a mage, it would make his reign just that much less stable. If he added the lack of an heir on top of that instability, his reign would almost certainly collapse.


Alistair's not a jerk for tending to political realities. YOU made him king; you have to accept that he's got to start making decisions AS KING.

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Only female noble can be queen but you can still pursuit the relationship in other races even if Alistair king. The fix changes some of the dialog paths that BW hasn't fixed.


Edit: This gives you tips on how to continue the relationship




And the end results



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Gee, the fact that she isn't human nobility really shouldn't be a "strike against her". And I really don't see how that makes it any less of an issue... :mellow:


But then again I think he's better just staying a Grey Warden at my side anyway with Anora bein the sole queen... because shes a good lady :yes:

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It is a big no no in Thedas, just like how the remaining rich families in real life don't marry to commoners. Mages by Chantry law cannot hold a place in power, elves are disliked by humans and are look down upon and dwarven relationship are unheard of. It is the world that David Gaider + others made and if you want to be with Alistair then don't make him king. It is your choice mate.
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