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The "I remember when..." thread


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WOW! The coming of TV. Now that's some very serious history there. That bit of history changed families all around the world, forever. Awesome.




I remember when remote tv's hit the store. They got the nickname "clickers" because they used spring steel switches under the buttons. At first they were kind of a stiff push, and they would "Click" when you used the buttons. Big old bulky things, with about 5-8 buttons on them.

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Yes... Big nostalgia... At this time, there where only a few having TV at home. I remember when I was young, my Grand'Ma was the only one having one in black and white with only Dutch Channels, not even the ORTF, and we took the car on sunday for coming at her home. I was three years old.


As Maharg67 said it in his previous post, we had to listen to radio emissions first. And now we have hudge plasma screens.


In 1976, my Dad came with a strange black box at home... and what a surprise : we've met... PONG! My very first personal video game. :happy:

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I remember when 56k was the only thing available, and i was on the net with my old 386, now that was the good old days. windows 3.1 anyone.


The internet was very young back then, wasn't all that wide spread as it is today :thumbsup: .

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Ah, Thor... Do you remember the time Wing Commander came on screen, this game was delivered with 15 floppy disks to install it... At this time we said : that's incredible!
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No i never really played games on it, i did how ever have sega cd back then. Also a snes, Lol i thought to myself why would i play a pc game when consoles where better.


now the amiga cd32bit now that was a console.

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I remember when a flight from New York to London was taken with a DC-7 (four propeller aircraft) with a pit stop in Greenland for refueling. Only as a passenger unfortunately.
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Circa 1999-2000 My brother would start LAN parties at our house. Back then, not many had laptops and laptops weren't very powerful, and either there were no LCD screens or they weren't very popular, so whenever people brought over their computers they brought over their entire desktop, complete with the brick monitor (what I sometimes call CRT monitors). We played games like Starsiege Tribes, Half-Life, Counter-Strike, Unreal Tournament, Star Wars: Dark Forces 2, and some singleplayer games like Ultima 9 as well as Everquest and a few other games I may have forgot.
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Lol i thought to myself why would i play a pc game when consoles where better.


now the amiga cd32bit now that was a console.

Agreed. Consoles are optimised for games. At the beginning of PC era, we have to enter into battle with Dos commands and batch files before playing a game. Sometimes it was off-putting for a beginner just to configure the keyboard and sound, and also to handle conflict entries (Lol).

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I remember wing commander! the same guy that I was talking about with the floppies had it on his system. He got me hooked on it, and when it came out on gamedeck I used to play the heck out of. Kill Kilrathi!!!

Gawd, what was the name of that other one he used to play...? Liesure Suit Larry, or something like that.


I was gonna post about pong, but decided on posting something else. I remember a box, and two paddle controllers. I sat in front of the tv for several hours watching two bars and a square dot moving back and forth, lol.


I remember back when nobody in the world ever dreamed that anybody, much less everybody, would be walking around with a phone in their pocket, being able to talk to anybody from almost anywhere. And now, some of these kids, you can't pry that phone from their fingers! Text freaks!

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Gawd, what was the name of that other one he used to play...? Liesure Suit Larry, or something like that.


I was gonna post about pong, but decided on posting something else. I remember a box, and two paddle controllers. I sat in front of the tv for several hours watching two bars and a square dot moving back and forth, lol.


I remember back when nobody in the world ever dreamed that anybody, much less everybody, would be walking around with a phone in their pocket, being able to talk to anybody from almost anywhere. And now, some of these kids, you can't pry that phone from their fingers! Text freaks!

"Have a drink at Lefty's bar"... Leisure Suit Larry 1... Sierra's first adult game for mature gamer (Lol). What a difference. Nowadays it's just hilarious :laugh:

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