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Level Alchemy From Gathering


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So I googled, searched through nexus, and steams community, as well as a few other places, and I cant find what I'm looking for. I would make it myself if I had the know how but I do not. So, I'm coming to you guys, the community, to see if anyone has the know how and the time to develop such a mod.


My thought was inspired by Lumberjacked by Kain-Xavier, His mod is really entertaining (mainly because of it's description) but it's practical application actually intrigued me.


I figured, Hey, I wonder if maybe, someone can make a mod that takes the gathering of ingredients in the game (IE the flowers and mushrooms stuff that is fixed, not like fish, antlers or fat) and make it so every time you use a node, it causes you to gain X amount of experience. Personally I don't think it would need to be scaling, but it might be something to add as a perk in the beginning teirs of alchemy. Or even just a simple addition. *Shrugs* I don't know how to engineer it as I've not developed mods before. If anyone figures it out, Please, Shoot me a message, I'd love to have such a mod.

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