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Hardcore Checks & Balances, Plus Immersion


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So... I was looking through the mods available and I saw a few lacks.


Here's what I'm thinking:


1. Stim Paks should induce a ton of fatigue, food and water damage when used, over the time they heal. This would account for what I'm guessing they do in 'stimulating' organic regeneration; i.e. burning up precious bodily resources to heal gunshot wounds on the fly. There's gotta be some exchange, right? I could probably edit this in the GECK really easily, but then there's also:


2. Spending daylight hours outdoors should increase water consumption drastically. I'm currently existing in an arid climate, and even just going about my daily routine, 0% humidity and heat are dehydration nightmares. Night time should be a viable option to decrease the amount of water the Courier needs, but is offset by:


3. Night time is also when the critters and freaks come out. A script to increase wasteland spawns at night, and jack up the leveled lists, should be included. I don't think Death Claws are nocturnal, but rad roaches and scorps should be, and I'm sure there are ghouls wandering the wastes, out of their minds, but still instinctively preserving their bodies by not hitting the road when it's so hot.


4. This is kind of random, but what about a mod so that when you use a bed, the Courier actually climbs into it to go to sleep? Coupled with Enhanced Camera, this could be something wicked awesome: hit E to lay down, similar to chairs, then hit T to wait/sleep or have another hotkey.


5. Meds & chems should have animations when you use 'em. Stim paks are injected, Jet inhaled, Med-X shot, water chugged, food chomped, whisky drank. Makes it so during combat, maybe chugging a bottle of Jack isn't the best idea for that little strength boost, Drunken Master.


6. Running and regenerating APs should increase fatigue (makes sense).


7. When a limb is crippled, there should be bleed-out, dropping your HPs until it's handled with a Doctor's Bag or bandages as a special aid item. Bandages should be fully craftable.


8. When you use a Doctor's Bag to handle a crippled limb, there's still a 24h period where the limb counts as crippled, and once 'fully' healed, has 50% max HP for a while until everything is back in working order.


9. Poison should also greatly increase metabolism, and so should antivenom.


10. Sickness! Some that increase fatigue rates, lower P & E (cold, flu), some that lower HPs (staph infection), and some that do all of the above, but also cause vomiting, meaning you lose food and water (dysentery, stomach virus, botulism). Wandering the wastes, with a bad case of the squits, or blowing your lunch all over a Viper Gunslinger when he jumps you. The chances for comedy are endless. Would require pain killers and antibiotics.


And, since this just occurred to me and some folks don't like round numbers,


11. Armor mods! Pauldrons, knee pads, armor plating, camo paint, utility belts (there is Tailor Made, actually, so this is pretty covered).


So, 11.5. As a bonus item, just for aesthetics, a script and animations that make it so your hot-keyed items appear distributed over your body. Kind of like DBOG, but despite the 'impractically prohibitive' aspect. :D


Thoughts from anyone else on the forum? I know some mods sort of cover this, but I'm using PN because it's the most feature-rich when talking about features I want. I'm also unfamiliar with GECK scripts, but am familiar with Blender and animation, and computers in general, so could contribute.

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