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2 Mods Mac10 and jiggly ??


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OK... I will start with the first idea.. a MAC 10 SMG would be really nice.. a modification of the 10mm SMG with a MAC 10 texure and model.. needless to say a MAC 10 eats thru ammo like crazy... it's a short range weapon but very scary output. basically mod the 10mm to fire about 3 times the current rate reduce the range. I think that would be a fun type of gun to play with... just make sure to REALLY stock up on ammo..


The other is one that SHOULD be possible.. but PLEASE!!! none of those crazy huge boob jiggly meshes..

I think with some of the better models and textures made for Fallout 3 a decent jiggly mesh to make females look and move more naturally would not be too much to ask.. Now don't go all indignant or whatever... I mean until it upgraded to the point where too many people couldn't play and quit pending their own pc upgrades.. an MMO I used to play had a jiggly built into it.. took me by complete surprise... but women moved and jiggled like women.

it was a very moderate jiggle not something wildly weird like some I've seen... but quite natural appearing, Nothing modders here can't manage.

Just want my avatar to not only look natural.. but move and jiggle naturally.

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The other is one that SHOULD be possible.. but PLEASE!!! none of those crazy huge boob jiggly meshes..

I think with some of the better models and textures made for Fallout 3 a decent jiggly mesh to make females look and move more naturally would not be too much to ask.. Now don't go all indignant or whatever... I mean until it upgraded to the point where too many people couldn't play and quit pending their own pc upgrades.. an MMO I used to play had a jiggly built into it.. took me by complete surprise... but women moved and jiggled like women.

it was a very moderate jiggle not something wildly weird like some I've seen... but quite natural appearing, Nothing modders here can't manage.

Just want my avatar to not only look natural.. but move and jiggle naturally.


You would have to modify the skeleton and then fix pretty much every single animation so that the added bones in the breasts would move. A "boob jiggly mesh" as you said is immpossible, because a mesh by its very nature doesn't have movement.

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