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Alternative to becoming a vampire and vamp claw animations request


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obviously there's been a whole heap of vampire mods released but I've yet to find one that gives the feeling of being forced against your will into becoming a vamp. I'm a massive fan of the Legacy of Kain series and would love if there was a talented modder who would make a death alternative sidequest mod that has your character killed and raised into vampiric undeath by a necromancer (ala Kain and mortanious). Possibly even a tie into the main quest in a lore friendly way, an immortal body to match and immortal dragon soul.


Also if a modder would be so kind to replace the punch animation with the claw swipe animation khajit's use. It would definitely add more to the predatory feel of the vamps, a more tooth and claw approach. Possibly add a damage boost?

A sneak feed kill animation would be extremely appreciated too.

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