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A few things like to see

Fatal Fiore

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I've been thinking after using several fun mods about a few things I'd love to see as a modification so heres what I request someone look into making:


Undamaged Roadways:For Real Time Settler mod and several others repaired roadways would be quite useful. I'm sure if someone had a month or so to work on it this would be simple to do. If someone could make this I'd love you forever.


Techno Music Station:Hey techno is interesting, with few commercial advertisements and maybe even someone doing voiceovers for things that are in the wastleand(Don't poke the Super Mutants, it's bad for YOUR health!) and happen even after all DLCs and game has been completed would be sweet to see.


Complete Potomac River:Half the riverbed is dry and the other half is far to low to be a river, if someone could add water so that boat mods are actually useful and make the poymac a submarine usful depth(maybe sink the ground down to accomadate the river change and not mess up cannon game)


Sniper Rifles: Their are utterly useless, a Sniper Rifle is suppose to be able to pick someone off from 1/3rd a mile away with ease. If Vats value can be changed to allow this as well as steadier aim for the .308 SR and distance it'd be a better, realistic weapon. I know theres few mods that fix this but their distance is far less than how a rifle of it's caliber works.


Portable Pond:Cleanwater Pond that can be placed once and are sold at Craterside Supply and are about size of the ruined ranch house and is knee deep would be good for Real Time Settler mod and in general. It'd have to be drinkable from as well as look like it matches, or atleast have stones to make it look like a dug out pond(Manmade but still nice looking)


Portable/Placeable Lights/Lamp posts:I'd like to see something of the sort to where you can buy the lights and then when their dropped they stick to where they are but can be picked up if you wanna move them and place sthem somewhere else. It'd be great for the RTS mod and if you wanna give the Rivet City Walkway a bit of light at night or even other areas!


Edit:Vampire Killer Whip:I mulled it over and after a quick FO3Nexus search I learned no one made the Castlevania leather/chain whip that the Belmonts use. It'd be funny to kill the "vampires" in Meresti Station with it so I was wondering if anyone might be interested in this one?


Well that's everything I'd love to see made.

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