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How to remodel the Knight Commander's Helm?


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Hello everyone, i was just wondering if there's some type of software people use to create these customizable armors and weapons for Dragon Age: Origins, especially the "Grey Warden Rudic Armor" by Ghost11. Anyways, the problem that I see with the Knight Commander's Helm is the fact that the neck area of the armor doesn't match the rest of my armor. The neck area seems what it appears to be some black armor with silver lines like Spider-man's uniform. So yeah, I just want to know if there's a program to help me. I'm not really good at designing armors and such, but once I get the hang of the program, I can find a way to edit this Helm. And I'm sure it wouldn't be as hard to edit the helm so it can match the rest of my armor. Because really, the neck area is quite a nuisance since it doesn't even match the armor at all.


And I don't suppose you guys agree with this? I mean, I'm running a pretty decent computer. Intel Core Quad Q6600, 4gb(2xgb) DDR2-800 dual channel ram, GTX 260, and Windows XP SP 3( going to be upgrading to Windows 7 by this month or so) and i'd figure it might be the computer or something. Plus I got the latest patch installed too.


Is the black color with grey lines on the neck of the Knight Commander's Helm supposed to be like that? If it is, is there a way to edit it?

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Is anybody here willing to help me here?


I haven't gotten any reply whatsoever since i made this topic. Please someone help me, I've been trying to fix the design of the neck.


Is it really that hard to change the design of the neck for a helmet? I just need to know what program people use to edit armors and make their own armor and weapons, etc.

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This area of the forums isn't as active yet as we'd (read: I) would like sometimes. And those of us that are around may not know, we're all learning as we go here. You've got to do some of the leg work yourself as well.


But from my understanding of what you're asking, it'd fall under reskinning and/or recolors of existing skins in which case I'd point you towards http://social.bioware.com/wiki/datoolset/index.php/Tutorial:_Creating_recolors_of_existing_items and http://social.bioware.com/wiki/datoolset/index.php/Tutorial:_Reskinning_an_Item on the toolset wiki which should be everyone's first stop when they have questions. Not everything is there yet, but there's still a good deal of material to read.


If I was way off base and that's got nothing to do with what you want then let's hear what it is you're wanting to do with the KC's Helm and we'll try to go from there.

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