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2 Spell mods search..


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Looking for mods for 2 things:1)A way to better organize my spell list.I have the spell delete mod,thats not what I mean.I mean is there a way to make them alphabetical (one list,not different catagories/groups) or even rename the catagories/groups and alphabatize in those, something like that.


2)Is there a mod for new spell effects I can use to make new spells?I have one of those mods with all these new spells like meteors,icicles appear from the ground to cause damage,avalanches,and many more.But some of these spells while well done,can be made even better if I could use their spell effects in spell making.I'm looking for a mod with new effects (any) if possiblle.


If these aren't made yet,this post may have to go into the "wish" catagory of these forums.If they can't be made,well..screw it lol.



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